The conditions prior to being a member of the association are as follows:

• Reviewing the desired package and studying facilities and prices in details prior to taking any actions
• Full explanation of membership aims and requests in the membership form of the association
• After membership and receiving required consultations, the members are obliged to prepare reports regarding their activities on a continuous basis so as to receive better services.
• The members are obliged to have an active profile on Canadairan.info.
• In the event that a member tends to cancel its membership in the association, the matters must be notified to the association in writing at least one month prior to end of the fiscal year of the association. Needless to say, membership expiration or its cancellation is not construed as a permit for refunding of the paid membership fee.
• Accepting that in universal critical conditions such as pandemic, war and etc. or domestic critical conditions in Canada, like the conditions during Covid pandemic, Canada Iran Business Association will pause its service provision. Moreover, after normalization of conditions, activities shall be resumed. By confirming this form, I agree that the amounts paid as the membership fee are not refundable.

Note: Absence or lack of each of the above requirements shall result in membership cancellation in the association. Also, in case of demise, deprivation from social rights, bankruptcy, liquidation of a legal entity, membership in the association is also terminated.